Why start a blog?
I’ve been filming in the parks for over 5 years and planning travel for clients for nearly as many. Based on all this experience of planning, and personally experiencing theme parks and Disney Cruise Line, I have a lot of thoughts and tips. I regularly share these with my clients and thought it was time to bring some of them to a wider audience.
Theme Park Vistas on YouTube started, and will continue to be, a channel without additional commentary. A blog was the next step.
Now what will I talk about on this blog? It is still evolving, and just like my channel, I’ll keep coming up with new ideas. I do know things it will probably not include. I don’t think there will be many food reviews, that just isn’t me. I also probably won’t be posting a lot of breaking news. There are a lot of sites that already do it and I don’t need to compete in that space.
Keep checking back to see what is next. Thank you for joining me.